Share your Greatest Teachable Moment for a chance to win a new iPad |
Students can now use Blackboard Collaborate on their mobile devices and teachable moments can influence your students anywhere and anytime. Tell us your greatest teachable moment using Blackboard Collaborate and how it created a better learning experience for your students. Share your story below and then tweet the title of your Greatest Teachable Moment @Blackboard with the hash tag #MyCollabMoment to be entered to win. |
The story with the most originality and impact on students teaching and learning experience will win a new iPad! |
Students can now use Blackboard Collaborate on their mobile devices to learn anytime, anywhere. See what it's like now > |
Follow these steps by Friday, October 19th to be entered to win: |
The winner will be announced on Friday, October 26th on the Blackboard social media channels. See rules and conditions |
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Limit: 1500 characters |
(1500 character limit) |